Human Therapies

Human Therapies

Reiki can promote relaxation, reduce stress and tension, and can assist the body to become rebalanced.
Reiki can be beneficial for
Reducing stress and anxiety
Can assist in offering support at difficult times
Can re-balance the body's energies.
Assists in the healing process
Can assist with sleep difficulties
To promote relaxation.

Massage is a form of soft tissue manipulation, which can be beneficial to promote relaxation, 
as well as reducing muscle tension, which can lead to pain, 
a reduced range of movement and performance in the horse rider or other sports person.
Massages can be beneficial for
Addressing muscle tension and spasms.
Soft tissue injuries or strains.
Sports injuries
For relaxation and to reduce stress
Can improve circulation
Improves suppleness and range of movement
To promote relaxation

EMMETT Technique was founded by Ross EMMETT. It is a therapy involving gentle finger pressure applied to specific areas of the body. It can be used on its own or in conjunction with a massage and reiki. 
EMMETT can be beneficial for
Assisting in the reduction of muscular tension and pain. 
Can assist in improving sleep 
Can improve comfort and range of movement in the body. 
Can improve relaxation and assist in addressing emotional issues. 
Can assist shoulder, back, knee, hip, ankle discomfort and restrictions.
Assists the horse rider in improving balance and stability. (All equestrian disciplines)

rider preparing  his horse
portrait of dog in the dark
portrait of dog in the dark

As well as equestrian enthusiasts, the therapies offered can be beneficial for those participating in other sports. 

Whether you enjoy sport as a hobby or compete regularly, the therapies offered can assist by.

Reducing muscular pain and discomfort 
Improve range of movement 
Assists in recovery from injury 
Pre and post event massage 
Assists in the prevention of muscular injury 
Improves muscle tone 
Assists in improving circulation 
Assists in relaxation 
Provides comfort at times of stress. 
The therapies offered can also be beneficial for anyone suffering from muscular pain and discomfort and for those experiencing times of stress and looking for relaxation.

CANINE REIKI can be beneficial for.

Elderly dogs 
Assisting relaxation 
Assisting behavioural issues
Nervous dogs
Assists in the recovery from injury or illness

CANINE EMMETT TECHNIQUE can be beneficial for.

Behavioural changes
Back discomfort
Reduced range of movement
Poor performance
Assists in the recovery from injuries
Unbalanced gait or stance
Strain from the lead or harness
portrait of dog in the dark
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