Equine Therapies

Equine Therapies

Equine Sports Massage

An equine sports massage can benefit all horses, including: competition horses, leisure horses, injured or elderly horses, horses on box rest and those with a nervous disposition or behavioural issues.
Your horse may benefit from an equine sports massage if they suffer from the following problems:
Has difficulty cantering on one lead
Has an uneven or short stride
Your horse is rearing or bucking 
Has a dislike of being tacked up
Has difficulty performing lateral work
Holding tail to one side
Has reluctance to stand still for rider to mount
Difficulty flexing and bending
Change of attitude towards work

The benefits can include:
Reduces likelihood of tension and spasms
Assists in recovery from injury
Improves muscle tone
Improves range of movement
Increases circulation


A static and dynamic evaluation will be carried out to assess signs of injury and uneven muscle development, and possible uneven stride or lameness. Background history will be taken, and an individualised treatment given, based on findings. After-care advice will also be given.

Equine Reiki

Equine Reiki is a form of energy healing in which the practitioner places their hands on, or close to the horse. Reiki assists the horse to rebalance itself, both physically and emotionally. Reiki allows the horse time to unwind, which can often be witnessed by the horse becoming noticeably relaxed. This type of equine therapy can also aid recovery from physical injury, and emotional trauma. A background history will be taken before this type of treatment.

Some benefits of Equine Reiki include:
Assists in the recovery from physical injury/horses on box rest
Can assist in calming nervous horses
Helps horses with a history of trauma, abuse, or mishandling
Elderly horses
Behavioural problems

Reiki for Other Animals

I also offer Reiki treatments to other animals, including domestic pets and farm animals. The benefits and treatments are the same as equine Reiki, with treatments addressing both physical and emotional conditions in animals.

Some benefits include:
Assists in calming nervous animals
Helps animals with a history of abuse and neglect
Assists in treating behavioural problems
Beneficial for elderly animals
Assists in recovery from illness and injury

Equine EMMETT Technique

Equine EMMETT Technique can be use on its own or as a combined treatment with Equine Sports Massage and Equine Reiki.
It can assist in alleviating muscle tension which can lead to pain, a reduced range of movement and performance in the leisure or competition horse or pony.

Some benefits of using Equine Emmett Technique include:
Reduces muscle tension
Assists in the treatment of lameness
Assists in recovery from injury
Assists in the relief from pain
Helps to treat uneven stride
Uneven muscle development

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